It's raining dogs here. K and I just had Keely (mom's dog) over for the last week and a half while my mom was out of town, and now I have Chloe, the Gleicher's dog, for the next two weeks, minus a few days when another lady is taking her. So, at work, we have Kalvin, Keely, Bentley, Chloe, and Sasha (an employee's dog). I feel like the dog whisperer....breaking up dog fights, taking them for walks, making them mind..... I need a break!
This week is S's b-day party...and my dad's last memorial. Busy week getting ready for both! I am ready for a break and to go camping!
Summer's Here!
so, yeah...
We are back to work an unburrying ourselves from our rushed trip to Europe.
S just closed escrow on his condo, and we are, once again, moving someone. Thankfully, he doesn't have that much stuff and some of what he does have I have convinced him to throw away...liiike the cheezy, thin metal thing he calls a dining room table that has the fake marble painted on top of it....oh yeah, you know you want it.
And.....for you enjoyment, some recent pictures!
end of an era with the passing of a man

The last two weeks have been like a whirlwind through a fog of plane flights, sleeping in airports (yes that is plural!), chasing down luggage, and prepping for and attending a funeral. It's weird to say..funeral. I can't believe my dad is really gone. This is the first person in our lives (K and mine) that has died that we have been close to. We have been fortunate enough to have been sheltered from this type of pain for so long...but thus ends an era and into true adulthood we go. It is scary to think that we are getting to the age where our relatives will begin to pass away one by one, not that that doesn't happen to anyone at a youger age, we are. We have been lucky thus far since both sets of grandparents are still alive as are all of my aunts and uncles....welcome to adulthood.
The funeral passed by quickly in a flurry of rain and thunder. The vicer committed his body and at that instant the thunder rolled and the rain died down and was very weird. He couldn't have scripted it better in a movie. His casket seemed so small, and while I know he was not a very big man, I had to ask my aunt whether or not he was squished in there.
I'm glad he died when he was so happy....he loved England and he was loved by many. I don't think he truly knew the impact that he made on those around him. He always wanted people to like him and in the process made a lot of friends along the way..more than I think he even realized.
The flood of stories that have come in about him, his knack for telling bad jokes, and his great spirit have been very heartwarming.
He will be missed....
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