up, this guy made a loooot of money. Classic!
I love Newborns!
Good Lord Is Almost Thanksgiving
Life is flying by at warp speed these days. It's so hard to believe that we are so close to Christmas and only six months until the wedding! yikes! There seems that there is so much to do everyday with wedding planning, keeping the business on track during these economic times, and keeping my personal life under control--without letting my business life take over.
I was forced to slow it down this last week and weekend...it's amazing what sickness does to you. During my time in quarantine, I sat down and got my life organized. I have always considered myself organized. I like order, making sure everything has a home and returns to that place at the end of the day so that it doesn't start taking over. Cleanliness is a must or I get irritable. And, at work, I have always been fairly organized, but the demands of this job, keep you from being able to focus on any one task for longer than about 5 minutes. And, if you can't get it done in those 5 minutes, well, you better hope you remember to come back to it! But, I never feel like I get ahead of the game. It used to be that the business would slow down in the winter so that we can get caught up on projects, but now, since we are in constant growth mode, there is no more slow. Ever.
I have always looked at friends ad colleagues in the industry that seemed to have their whole lives planned out on a calendar, right down to bedtime, like they were crazy--or hyper-organized. Yeah, now I know why. You get to the point sometimes where you get so overwhelmed with things that are going on and easily sidetracked by being pulled in 90 different directions, that it feels like NOTHING ever gets done. So, here I am today, with my calendar before me, that is chock full to the minute of times when certain tasks will be done--everyday. Thank goodness this business is slightly repetitive every month. And, barring the emergencies, from now on, it is probably just going to have to wait until its scheduled time.
I was forced to slow it down this last week and weekend...it's amazing what sickness does to you. During my time in quarantine, I sat down and got my life organized. I have always considered myself organized. I like order, making sure everything has a home and returns to that place at the end of the day so that it doesn't start taking over. Cleanliness is a must or I get irritable. And, at work, I have always been fairly organized, but the demands of this job, keep you from being able to focus on any one task for longer than about 5 minutes. And, if you can't get it done in those 5 minutes, well, you better hope you remember to come back to it! But, I never feel like I get ahead of the game. It used to be that the business would slow down in the winter so that we can get caught up on projects, but now, since we are in constant growth mode, there is no more slow. Ever.
I have always looked at friends ad colleagues in the industry that seemed to have their whole lives planned out on a calendar, right down to bedtime, like they were crazy--or hyper-organized. Yeah, now I know why. You get to the point sometimes where you get so overwhelmed with things that are going on and easily sidetracked by being pulled in 90 different directions, that it feels like NOTHING ever gets done. So, here I am today, with my calendar before me, that is chock full to the minute of times when certain tasks will be done--everyday. Thank goodness this business is slightly repetitive every month. And, barring the emergencies, from now on, it is probably just going to have to wait until its scheduled time.
Couch Potato to 5k
Week two finished up with a bit longer run. Feeling much stronger this week and still loving it! I am much faster than I originally anticipated being at this stage.
This week we had 90 second running intervals between each walk. It's amazing how many more calories you burn by doing the walking/running thing. this week will probably be 120 second intervals.
In case anyone is interested in taking the challenge, I downloaded the podcast off of itunes. It is the podcast called "podcasts for running." It is so mindless--he tells you when to start and stop running and gives great encouragement along the way. He also does a great job with the music. Very upbeat dance music that keeps ya moving.
I really love the fact that I don't have to worry about whether or not I will make it to the gym or not. If we are running late....just get dressed and head out.
At some point in the near future, once work slows a little more, I will get back to going to the gym in the evenings on the way home on the alternating days, but for now, this is working out great!
Yesterday was our first company picnic. Last year, we didn't have enough employees to warrant a get together. It really would have just been Kendra, mom and me. Not as much fun, especially since we see each other every day as it is. :)
We had over 30 people schedule to attend, but we ended up having 29 show up. A great turn out for only two years in business! We had a great time playing monster kick ball. This HUGE ball made it much more competitive so that the guys weren't able to cream it. And, we had enough food to feed an army! (as usual). We way over bought the food because we are always so concerned about running out of food. yeah. never happens.
Right after the pot luck, we rushed back to Sean's for a birthday dinner for his mom. Man, his sister can cook!! food was awesome! filet mignon with crab and asparagus, spinach salad, and potato. mmmmmm
All in all, it was a great day. Will post pics later.
This week we had 90 second running intervals between each walk. It's amazing how many more calories you burn by doing the walking/running thing. this week will probably be 120 second intervals.
In case anyone is interested in taking the challenge, I downloaded the podcast off of itunes. It is the podcast called "podcasts for running." It is so mindless--he tells you when to start and stop running and gives great encouragement along the way. He also does a great job with the music. Very upbeat dance music that keeps ya moving.
I really love the fact that I don't have to worry about whether or not I will make it to the gym or not. If we are running late....just get dressed and head out.
At some point in the near future, once work slows a little more, I will get back to going to the gym in the evenings on the way home on the alternating days, but for now, this is working out great!
Yesterday was our first company picnic. Last year, we didn't have enough employees to warrant a get together. It really would have just been Kendra, mom and me. Not as much fun, especially since we see each other every day as it is. :)
We had over 30 people schedule to attend, but we ended up having 29 show up. A great turn out for only two years in business! We had a great time playing monster kick ball. This HUGE ball made it much more competitive so that the guys weren't able to cream it. And, we had enough food to feed an army! (as usual). We way over bought the food because we are always so concerned about running out of food. yeah. never happens.
Right after the pot luck, we rushed back to Sean's for a birthday dinner for his mom. Man, his sister can cook!! food was awesome! filet mignon with crab and asparagus, spinach salad, and potato. mmmmmm
All in all, it was a great day. Will post pics later.
couch potato to 5k
Last week I embarked on a new journey. Running. Traditionally, I have despised running. Hated it so much I would avoid it. Oddly enough, I love it now. I can't wait to run. There is something about it right now that makes is so great. Kind of like I get to just run away from it all....it is really freeing. Just me and the road. Nothing to think about but what is in front of me.
This week begins week 2. I haven't looked at what is in store, I may change my mind as soon as I start running this week.:) This program is great, though. It is meant to ease you into running so that your body doesn't freak out.
So, far--Great! Next week, I may have a different view if it goes too fast!
This week begins week 2. I haven't looked at what is in store, I may change my mind as soon as I start running this week.:) This program is great, though. It is meant to ease you into running so that your body doesn't freak out.
So, far--Great! Next week, I may have a different view if it goes too fast!
Camping in May
Just getting around to posting pics from our camping trip in May. As usual, we had great intentions to take several trips this summer, but it seems that we are getting in the way of ourselves again with work, and....uh.... work. With Sean working every other weekend, and our busy season being summer, it's hard to get away.
Nonetheless, here are the last pics I posted. Will post some of my trip to Texas (if I can remember to take them) when I get back. Or, well, at least before the end of the year!

Nonetheless, here are the last pics I posted. Will post some of my trip to Texas (if I can remember to take them) when I get back. Or, well, at least before the end of the year!

lazy saturday
so, today i plan to do much of nothing. i really need to get ready for my trip next week, but, eh? i'm really tired today. kendra and i have been updating iphone software all morning and playing with the new programs n stuff. SO much better. iphone had some quirks to it before that were kind of annoying, but they have fixed quite a few of them.
now, we really need to figure out what we are going to do to destroy our old palms treos...... pieces of crap.
now, we really need to figure out what we are going to do to destroy our old palms treos...... pieces of crap.
Happy 4th!
Worked today, then to little BBQ with the fam. Gary's parents are in town at the moment, so we introduced them to some of our family. I still feel terrible. The sore throat is gone and has been replaced by a headache, sneezing, and stuffy nose. Ack! so irritating! Can't really enjoy my 4th cause I am so tired. At least this last week was a 2.5 day work week for me.
Summer is in full swing now and work is CRAZY! It's hard to believe that the year is over half over and Sean and I have been engaged for five months. Less than a year to the big day....It's all going to go by so fast, I have to conciously remember that I need to take time to appreciate it all.
Now I am home with Sean sitting on the couch relaxing. Tomorrow, we are up for lounging around. Then Sunday, a little golfing (if I can breathe) and then maybe the zoo.
I am ready to totally relax!
Happy 4th all!
Summer is in full swing now and work is CRAZY! It's hard to believe that the year is over half over and Sean and I have been engaged for five months. Less than a year to the big day....It's all going to go by so fast, I have to conciously remember that I need to take time to appreciate it all.
Now I am home with Sean sitting on the couch relaxing. Tomorrow, we are up for lounging around. Then Sunday, a little golfing (if I can breathe) and then maybe the zoo.
I am ready to totally relax!
Happy 4th all!
a cabin in the woods
I love my mom's cabin. it's so peaceful and is such a great place to recharge. i forget how much i love it until i am here again. i feel that i all can do when i am here is sleep. there is no noise outside, no sirens, no traffic noise, no noisy neighbors.....just peace and quiet. the sound of birds chirping during the day, and the sound of the wind rustling through the enormous pine trees at night. just total peace.
I always forget to bring a hammock when I come. there is nothing better than gently swinging in the breeze listing to the sound of the wind....and then drifting to sleep.
it has been a somewhat sad trip this time, though. Idyllwild used to be a bustling little tourist community over the last five years, but i guess with the price of gas, declining real estate, this little community is slowly becoming a ghost town. buildings are empty, streets have few people in them. it's sad to see this change. this is a great little artist community and a beautiful town.
if anyone needs a great place to take a little vacation and get away from it all, idyllwild is a great place to go. it is not commercialized at all. no chain stores. no franchises. just honest people making a living in their quaint little stores and restaurants.
as vacation time rolls around this year, remember to support your local owners. we did our part today. it was really sad to see them so wiling to negotiate just to make a sale. i, just like everyone else, like a bargain, but not at the expense of someone else's lively hood.
such a great place.
I always forget to bring a hammock when I come. there is nothing better than gently swinging in the breeze listing to the sound of the wind....and then drifting to sleep.
it has been a somewhat sad trip this time, though. Idyllwild used to be a bustling little tourist community over the last five years, but i guess with the price of gas, declining real estate, this little community is slowly becoming a ghost town. buildings are empty, streets have few people in them. it's sad to see this change. this is a great little artist community and a beautiful town.
if anyone needs a great place to take a little vacation and get away from it all, idyllwild is a great place to go. it is not commercialized at all. no chain stores. no franchises. just honest people making a living in their quaint little stores and restaurants.
as vacation time rolls around this year, remember to support your local owners. we did our part today. it was really sad to see them so wiling to negotiate just to make a sale. i, just like everyone else, like a bargain, but not at the expense of someone else's lively hood.
such a great place.
Mr. Bentley reading the paper

Okay. The engagement party is over which means that all of the work to mom's house is over too. I am engaged to a wonderful man. I have a wonderful, supportive family. I am healthy again. Business is moving along steadily. People in our business are being removed from our lives. How much happier can I be? Oh yeah!
I am taking the time to count my blessings today!
Bentley gets a little snip
so so sleepy
Day three on the 'roids
Looking better, but not 100%. There are now mostly just red dots on my face with a few bumps.

Still not feeling and 'roid rage as Kendra says. Phew!
Mr. Bentley is here snoozing next to me and looks so cute.

He's so cute when he sleeps. ....and then he wakes up and barks at Gary.
SO happy it's Friday! More painting in store for me this weekend. Mom is doing a facelift on her house before the engagement party on the 26th. So, I am up to my eyeballs in paint. Kendra gets reprieve this weekend because she has some dancing thing she already paid for. She got a full weekend in last weekend though, heh! Hopefully this will be mostly the end of it this weekend. Then it's on to the other projects mom has lined up. Installing a new mailbox, new door, lights.... The list never seems to end~ I am not sure how the current post on mom's mailbox is still upright. This woman has been living with this thing like this for years! It won't even nail on to the post anymore. Se everyday, she stops at the end of the driveway and puts a the box back on the post after the mailman has knocked it off putting junk mail in. We have had a PO BOX for several years now, so she doesn't really receive much mail anymore. But she still get the junk mail plus a few other tidbits and the thing is still is on the ground everyday! The wood has been eaten so much by termites that it is completely hollow.
So, this week, she finally gets a new one and hopefully a thank you letter from the mailman :)

Still not feeling and 'roid rage as Kendra says. Phew!
Mr. Bentley is here snoozing next to me and looks so cute.

He's so cute when he sleeps. ....and then he wakes up and barks at Gary.
SO happy it's Friday! More painting in store for me this weekend. Mom is doing a facelift on her house before the engagement party on the 26th. So, I am up to my eyeballs in paint. Kendra gets reprieve this weekend because she has some dancing thing she already paid for. She got a full weekend in last weekend though, heh! Hopefully this will be mostly the end of it this weekend. Then it's on to the other projects mom has lined up. Installing a new mailbox, new door, lights.... The list never seems to end~ I am not sure how the current post on mom's mailbox is still upright. This woman has been living with this thing like this for years! It won't even nail on to the post anymore. Se everyday, she stops at the end of the driveway and puts a the box back on the post after the mailman has knocked it off putting junk mail in. We have had a PO BOX for several years now, so she doesn't really receive much mail anymore. But she still get the junk mail plus a few other tidbits and the thing is still is on the ground everyday! The wood has been eaten so much by termites that it is completely hollow.
So, this week, she finally gets a new one and hopefully a thank you letter from the mailman :)
Oh the itching!
This is getting to be old. I am ready for this stupid thing to be finished! The steroids are s.l.o.w.l.y helping, but i only have two days left of them and am hoping this thing is done by then. If not, I guess I'll be back at the urgent care again.
On the bright side, at least I have gotten a little forced vacation...although not my idea of a great time.

Day two on the 'roids.
On the bright side, at least I have gotten a little forced vacation...although not my idea of a great time.

Day two on the 'roids.
It's official....I'm allergic to myself
I have been home all week with a very bad allergic reaction...eh...to myself. It all started in 4th grade when apparently, I got so stressed out from this teacher I had that I left school a month early to deal with hives. And, I have learned over the years that they apparently never go away. In periods of stress, I get them again. It's just, usually, I only get them around my joints, below my lip, or on my stomach. Well, this time, I must have been freakin' stressed out because I got them on my face and down my neck. It was oh so attractive. They got so out of control that I am now on steroids. But, I have decided to make the most of it and start working out in hopes that I will quickly bulk up and look like a champion body builder.

Yesterday...pre steriods

Today....post steriods. Lookin' good people!

Yesterday...pre steriods

Today....post steriods. Lookin' good people!
An engagement....

Being engaged is a very weird and surreal experience I have decided. I still have a hard time referring to Sean as my..ehem...fiance. Sounds weird. Thankfully he is having the same problem, so we have just resorted to calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend for now. It will be even weirder to use the word husband. ack!
This wedding business is such a racket! I, of course, have started doing a little planning by at least booking a venue to have the thing at. Things get filled so fast! In looking around at all of the things to buy, it amazes me how much people spend on weddings! The venues alone are outrageous! It's crazy! I am desperately trying to keep the costs down because it kills me to spend that much money on one day when it could be used to invest in something...anything tangible! I have decided to wear my mom's wedding dress, which will not only save a ton of money, but it will make it all the more special. Thank goodness she picked a very classic style that is still nice for today. I tried it on a couple of weeks ago and left her house smelling like formaldehyde. ick! Had to shower after that one. She had had the dress "preserved" so to speak in this box. It was actually still white and not discolored at all....and the seams still were intact. bonus! I think I am still going to have them looked at to verify their integrity. I don't want another incident like the one I had at the Mark of Excellence awards. (my beautiful vintage dress that I bought still had the original beautiful vintage thread holding the thing together that all popped loose during the ceremony. Let's just say the entire thing self destructed before my very eyes. It wasn't a pretty sight. And neither was the jean shirt I was forced to wear over it the rest of the night!)
So we have pretty much settled on a date. May 22, 2009. It will be exactly six years from our first date. It is kind of weird trying to actually pick a date. There is no real significance to any one date, and if you are trying to make it meaningful, what date do you choose? One of my friends just picked a date because it "felt like a special date." Nothing really came to me other than the 22nd of May. So, it is a Friday night, but will be great anyway because (a) hopefully things will be cheaper and (b) I will be able to have an evening wedding.
It still amazes me how many people pay attention to these types of things. I didn't even have to tell anyone that we were engaged...most everyone just ran up to me screaming. "Is this new?!" "When did it happen?!" and "It's about time!" Mostly the latter. With my favorite being "It's about bloody time!" In some ways it seems like forever and in other ways it has flown by. I can't believe we have been together that long. All that dreaming and planning we have done is finally here. It's very surreal.
Segway scooter

Today was a GREAT day! We went for a tour around the bay on segway scooters! I totally felt like a tourist. Camera around neck and all! We had a blast though. Photos up on Flickr for those that are interested.
We only had one really close call today with injuries. One of the women in our group was poking up a hill and was following the scooter to close in front of her and WHAMO! onto the ground she flew! Helmet flew off....it was quite a sight! I was worried that she hit her head harder than she did. And, because she didn't have her helmet strapped on, it flew off the second she hit the ground. I knew something was up when I heard the squeal of tires. I turned around to see her do this weird half twisty thing off of the scooter onto her side and then to the pavement.
Then, not to be outdone, after about two and a half hours of riding ALL over the PB area, Rita zoomed back into the scooter store and came to a stop inside....then totally forgot how to dismount the thing and ended up doing a faceplant into the carpet. I haven't laughed that hard in a while. After I asked if she was okay, of course. really!
Barracks door
A man walked into a supermarket with his zipper down, and his fly wide open. A lady cashier walked up to him and said, "Your barracks door is open." This is not a phrase men normally use, so he went on his way looking a bit puzzled. When he was about done shopping, a man came up and said, "Your fly is open."
He zipped up and finished his shopping, and remembering what the cashier had told him, finally understood. He then intentionally got in the line to check out where the lady was that told him about his "barracks door."
He was planning to have a little fun with her. When he reached her counter he said, "When you saw my barracks door open did you see a soldier standing in there at attention?" The lady thought for a moment and said, "No, no I didn't. All I saw was a disabled veteran sitting on two duffel bags."
He zipped up and finished his shopping, and remembering what the cashier had told him, finally understood. He then intentionally got in the line to check out where the lady was that told him about his "barracks door."
He was planning to have a little fun with her. When he reached her counter he said, "When you saw my barracks door open did you see a soldier standing in there at attention?" The lady thought for a moment and said, "No, no I didn't. All I saw was a disabled veteran sitting on two duffel bags."
Learning Photoshop
For cat lovers everywhere...

Day 983 of my captivity. My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.
Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards! There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. Ho wever, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs. I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regula rly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded. The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now...
You know you grew up in the 80's if....

You Know You Grew Up In the 80's if (thanks Crystal for this one!):
1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word SIKE.
2. You can sing the rap to the Fresh Prince of
Bel-Air and can do the Carlton
3. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom
4. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock"
5. It was actually worth getting up early on a
Saturday to watch cartoons.
6. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.
7. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail
day in computer
class at school.
8. You made your mom buy one of those clips that
would hold your shirt
in a knot on the side.
9. You played the game "MASH"(Mansion, Apartment,
Shelter, House)
10. You wore stonewashed Jordache jean jackets and
were proud of it.
11. You know the profound meaning of " WAX ON , WAX
12. You wanted to be a Goonie.
13. You ever wore fluorescent clothing.
14. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked
like before his nose
fell off and his cheeks shifted.
15. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the
only female smurf.
16. You took lunch boxes to school...and traded
Garbage Pailkids in
the schoolyard.
17. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap
18. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every
19. You thought your childhood friends would never
leave because you
exchanged handmade friendship bracelets.
21. You ever owned a pair of Jelly-Shoes.
22. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept
saying "I know you
are, but what am I?"
23. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"
24. You remember going to the skating rink before
there were inline skates.
25. You have ever played with a Skip-It.
26. You remember boom boxes and walking around with
one on your
shoulder like you were all that.
27. You remember watching both Gremlins movies.
28. You thought Doogie Howser/Samantha Micelli was
29. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from
30. You remember New Kids on the Block when they
were cool...and don't
even flinch when people refer to them as "NKOTB"
31. You knew all the characters names and their life
stories on "Saved
By The Bell," The ORIGINAL class.
32. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT
33. You just sang those words to yourself.
34. You still sing "We are the World"
35. You tight rolled your jeans.
37. You remember "Where's the Beef?"
38. You used to (and probably still do)
say "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?"
39. You're still singing shot through the heart in
your head, aren't you!
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