Worked today, then to little BBQ with the fam. Gary's parents are in town at the moment, so we introduced them to some of our family. I still feel terrible. The sore throat is gone and has been replaced by a headache, sneezing, and stuffy nose. Ack! so irritating! Can't really enjoy my 4th cause I am so tired. At least this last week was a 2.5 day work week for me.
Summer is in full swing now and work is CRAZY! It's hard to believe that the year is over half over and Sean and I have been engaged for five months. Less than a year to the big day....It's all going to go by so fast, I have to conciously remember that I need to take time to appreciate it all.
Now I am home with Sean sitting on the couch relaxing. Tomorrow, we are up for lounging around. Then Sunday, a little golfing (if I can breathe) and then maybe the zoo.
I am ready to totally relax!
Happy 4th all!