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The call went out. Like a beacon in the night. Mayday! Mayday! All Hall’s on deck! And, as any respectable Hall, I responded immediately. I was being called up! There is no greater honor in this family. I was needed.
Hall here, reporting for duty!
Today’s assignment…..write a short piece about Lyle Hall. I sat down, ready to put pen to paper. I cleared off my desk, pulled out my best stationary, my best pen, cleared my mind of everything non-Hall. “Such a task should be given to a novice,” I thought, “For writing about another Hall is effortless.” But with pride, I know this family has much to be proud of and thankful for, and I will perform this duty with all honor it is due.
Suddenly, it occurs to me. Who is Lyle Hall? Have I ever met such a person? I know I have attended all family events as prescribed per the Hall Family Code (excused absences aside), but I did not think I knew this person known as Lyle Hall. I wracked my brain, torturously, writhing in my chair as I struggled to think of a time, any time, where I had met this person. I interviewed other Hall’s relentlessly, under glaring spotlights, thinking, “If they would just tell me who this person is, I can complete my assignment, my task, the honor that has been bestowed upon me!” But, no! I could not find anyone who could give me any information! I scrutinized photos from every family event, every chance meeting. Nothing. Surely, there is something in our history. They say he is turning 50 for crying out loud!
I pushed harder.
More photos, more interviews, more deliberation! Frantically, I pulled photos, arm over arm, throwing them over my head as I searched and searched! The time is getting closer! I must make my deadline! I cannot let my family down!
Then I find it. The room darkens except for a small halo of light flowing down as if a light is shining down from heaven. The angels are singing! It is there, right in front of me! I need search no more! I delicately pick it up with both hands, carry it gently to the table as the memory gently flows back to me as effortlessly a warm summer breeze gently blowing, encasing me in pure warmth.
It is him, that Lyle Hall!
He is there in the photo, lying in a hammock snoring.
This is my only memory, but I have it! I know who he is! My task is complete, my job here done. I know no more, but I know who he is. I run to all Hall’s and tell them of my great joy, and they too remember!
Calls go out. There is rejoicing from San Diego to Savannah!
We have found our lost Hall!
May he now never leave us.
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From the Morris family to you, we wish you an amazing birthday filled with joy and love.
May you know you are truly loved.
And, may you show up at this year’s reunion, so help you God!
Linda, Kendra, Kayla