Christmas has officially come and gone, and so has (almost) my yearly cold/flu/coughing crap. I still can't shake the cough part of it. I am getting really tired of waking up at 2:00 am coughing violently. That irritating tickle that won't go away until you almost permanately cough up a lung, or puke, or worse. GOOOOOO Airborne!
Our week begins today and is thankfully thus far slow. Last week, while I was really sick, and should NOT have been out on properties, we had our first kid's club activities on our properties. We made these Christmas tree things with construction paper and then Christmas cards out of the same construction paper and old Christmas card fronts. It was really funny how all of the adults got really into it. On one property, however, we think it was because they had been sucking down a little too much weed. So, they would be happy picking fleas off of a wet schnauzer if we gave them the opportunity.