

I'm Meeellllllttttinggggg....!

Holy crap, it's hot! It is (supposed to be) the hottest day of the week...however, we all know how our weather people are around here. Hot, sticky, humid, and icky! I need a shower again.

Today has been a good day. We came to work this week after working hard on the office all weekend working on the landscaping and rearranging the office. I can sense the jealousy! It is nice to come to work with new organization and feeling like you can get something accomplished. It's the little things that matter!

We completely weeded the entire front yard of 50 years worth of weeds and roots all jam packed into one tiny area so packed full that it took gary jumping up and down on the pitchfork to release these little basketball-size, root-ball devils. I spent the entire day, apparently, hunched over with my shirt pulled away from the top of my pants exposing a sliver of my skin so that the slicver of my white back is now the color of tomatoes from baking in the sun the entire day. No one alerted me to this fact. Even my skin cancer crazy mother who is always saying "Do you have sun screen on? Cause you're going to get cancer if you're not careful!" All those that know me can attest to my white skin and the burn rate. They didn't call me "moon burn" for nothin during high school!

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