

My life as a property manager

It's 8pm and I'm still at work. Why? Oh, let's see, could it be the series of residents that have nothing better to do than to call and harrass me about why, why they ask, aren't you fixing my tub!??! I demand it to be fixed today! You guys are horrible! What?? No you do not have permission to enter!! No! You may not come in...yes I demand that you fix my tub today do you hear me??!!??

This is a more dangerous business than people realize. Do you realize how many psychotic people there are out there? People that will shoot you because they can hear a toilet lid closing upstairs?? One of my colleagues in the industry in Idaho was shot and killed last week by a resident that also took her own life because she could not deal with the sounds around her apartment. Now, let's think about this...I can hear the toilet lid closing at my mom's house.....let alone an apartment complex with a bazillion other apartments around you.

Today I dealt with someone who was demanding one thing but not allowing me to do what I needed to do to take care of it...what if that person is psychotic?? What if they want to shoot me cause they can only take a shower and not a bath? How important is that bath to them?? Oy. The drama.

I have another one for the book though.... Yesterday we served a notice to a woman who had a pit bull on the property. And, after a series of heated exchanges between them and L, I waited by the front gate for them to leave. And as I was sitting there leaning against the gate (mind you I was minding my own business and had not been involved in the conversations), they turned to me and asked me if I was going to stand there. Appears that way, I said. And, the younger of the two turned to me and said, I hope you get sunburned....in the nastest tone you could ever imagine. What? That's it? That's the best you can do? Wish a sunburn on me? Sold! I'll take that any day over, oh let's see.... "kill you" "maim you" "sue you" et all.

A sunburn...that's cute, I said.

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