its been so long since i posted anything that my auto post has disabled.
I can't believe it's christmas! what have we been up to?
1. taking over new properties. we are in the process of doubling in size (yay). but with that yay comes a ton of work, especially growing so much! so, we have been working until 1, 2 am almost every night trying to get this transition to go smoothly. i swear i am only running on adrenaline at this point...and i'm not sure i have much left. i feel like i am running around in a fog trying to accomplish as much as humanly possible, without killing myself... or those around me.
Okay. the above was started a week ago, and I am just now getting to finishing it up. that's sad. i am not sure what #2 was going to be, or what the point of my original post was, so i might as well catch up on what's been going on here.
we had some pretty fun events lately, namely MOE (the awards for our industry). photo above from that night. It's great to dress up and have a nice night out and just kick it.
i have also been enjoying Bentley.... He is constantly keeping me on my toes...he is oh so cute!
working, as stated above.
I just started working out again and joined Curves. normally, i am out and about golfing, etc., but with the winter setting in, it is too cold to golf or hike like i was. so, i joined the gym and have been faithfully going at least three times a week. I am very proud of myself...mostly because i get up at 5:30 every day to go. and, that is an accomplishment for me!
we enjoyed our holiday. it was so relaxing! we took monday and today off and just kicked back and enjoyed a little down time. this next week is going to be stressful before the 1st, so this little time off has been great!
i got some great stuff for Christmas...my most favorite being some stack diamond rings from my grandmother. i have been coveting them for years...and she just up and gave them to me! i was shocked, yet thrilled! I also got a plane ticket so that i can visit my friend in texas from my mom, misc camera stuff, more jewelry, Bose headphones (since I lost my nice pair on the way to my dad's funeral in July--we were in a rush and i left them on the plane), and tonight sean and i exchange gifts. should be interesting to see what he will be getting me this year. thus far, the last 4 years have been a success!
Looking back....
This year was very bitter sweet for us as i look back. we have enjoyed success with our business, and sadness personally with the passing of my father. however, as i reflect on the year, we have been continually blessed in so many ways, and i am very grateful everyday for the path i have chosen. And, while there are so many questions left unanswered with the passing of my father, i am truly grateful for the times we had with him and the blessing that he was in our lives. i am grateful for what has been, what is now, and what is yet to come in my life......
Here's to a great 2008! Happy (early) New Year, and a (belated) Merry Christmas!