


its been so long since i posted anything that my auto post has disabled.  
I can't believe it's christmas!  what have we been up to?
1. taking over new properties.  we are in the process of doubling in size (yay).  but with that yay comes a ton of work, especially growing so much!  so, we have been working until 1, 2 am almost every night trying to get this transition to go smoothly.  i swear i am only running on adrenaline at this point...and i'm not sure i have much left.  i feel like i am running around in a fog trying to accomplish as much as humanly possible, without killing myself... or those around me.  
Okay.  the above was started a week ago, and I am just now getting to finishing it up.  that's sad.  i am not sure what #2 was going to be, or what the point of my original post was, so i might as well catch up on what's been going on here.
we had some pretty fun events lately, namely MOE (the awards for our industry).  photo above from that night.  It's great to dress up and have a nice night out and just kick it.  

i have also been enjoying Bentley....  He is constantly keeping me on my toes...he is oh so cute!

working, as stated above.

I just started working out again and joined Curves.  normally, i am out and about golfing, etc., but with the winter setting in, it is too cold to golf or hike like i was.  so, i joined the gym and have been faithfully going at least three times a week.  I am very proud of myself...mostly because i get up at 5:30 every day to go.  and, that is an accomplishment for me!

we enjoyed our holiday.  it was so relaxing!  we took monday and today off and just kicked back and enjoyed a little down time.  this next week is going to be stressful before the 1st, so this little time off has been great!  

i got some great stuff for Christmas...my most favorite being some stack diamond rings from my grandmother.  i have been coveting them for years...and she just up and gave them to me!  i was shocked, yet thrilled!  I also got a plane ticket so that i can visit my friend in texas from my mom, misc camera stuff, more jewelry, Bose headphones (since I lost my nice pair on the way to my dad's funeral in July--we were in a rush and i left them on the plane), and tonight sean and i exchange gifts.  should be interesting to see what he will be getting me this year.  thus far, the last 4 years have been a success!

Looking back....

This year was very bitter sweet for us as i look back.  we have enjoyed success with our business, and sadness personally with the passing of my father.  however, as i reflect on the year, we have been continually blessed in so many ways, and i am very grateful everyday for the path i have chosen.  And, while there are so many questions left unanswered with the passing of my father, i am truly grateful for the times we had with him and the blessing that he was in our lives.  i am grateful for what has been, what is now, and what is yet to come in my life......

Here's to a great 2008!  Happy (early) New Year, and a (belated) Merry Christmas!


let the games begin....

here comes santa claus, here comes santa claus.... Today marks the official kick-off of the Christmas season! I am very excited, although I can't believe that it is here again already. I'm pretty much done with my shopping, with only a few presents left to buy. I know I'm anal, but I don't like fighting crowds, so I start shopping about September 1. 

We had a nice Thanksgiving yesterday....very low key. It was nice to just stay around town and not have to drive anywhere this year. Granted, my family doesn't live that far away, but 30 minutes, late at night, when you are tired from eating all of the turkey n stuff, it's nice to be only about 5 minutes away.  We went to Sean's mom's house this year.  It was so funny!  His Aunt was trying to have a memorable little toast where everyone said what they were thankful for...however, I had the giggles yesterday, and Sean's sister kept making me laugh.  Everyone was making up funny things they were thankful for...thus making me laugh even more.  It was great!  

So, off we go tomorrow to shop for our tree.  I'm excited about decorating my house this year! I have quite a few new decorations that I got last year on sale, and using them in my new house will be fun!

Kendra just got back today from Illinois, visiting Gary's family.  I watched Kalvin for the week and he discovered that he can get up on the chair and reach my cereal...and eat it....twice.  So, he was in his crate several times this week.  pill.  



Last weekend it was chilly enough to try out my new fireplace in my condo. Now, I have never used gas before, just a regular fireplace...and boy can I make a mean fire from wood. So, I asked Sean if he would light it, but he was engrossed in a game of poker on the computer with Gary, and Kendra had her nose buried in her computer watching some new movie she had downloaded. And, I don't know if you know these people when they are engrossed in something, but they rarely look up, much less acknowledge you when you address them. So, here I am, standing in the middle of the living room with 3 people staring at their computers when I ask Sean if he would do it. Without looking up, he said, "Nah, you go ahead and try it." I reminded him I had no idea what to do, so his brief explanation of "just turn on the gas and light it," followed. OOookay... So i turned in on...high. And, I didn't know how much gas would escape as I turned it on...high. And, unfortunately for me, the lighter wouldn't light right away. Do you see where this is going?

Well, so I am sitting there clicking the lighter as gas is spewing into the living room and I think to myself, "I wonder how much gas has come out?" But, decide to forge ahead. I click again a couple more times and then WHOOOOSH! Flames fly out of the fireplace and up the wall, burning off some of my hair in the process. I look up to see everyone staring at me with their mouths hanging open and Gary says, "those were really big flames..." Then, Sean sticks his little nose in the air and takes a few whiffs in the air. "It smells like burnt hair in here." My hand flies to my forehead to feel crispy hair. Do you think they are paying attention to me now? Kendra looks back at her movie and mumbles something a about flamage and burned hair and calmly goes back to watching her movie.

Do these people realize I almost killed myself!??! I run to the bathroom and see that my little hairs on the front of my hair are completely singed off and all that remains are little stubs of burnt hair. ew. I come back in the room to see Sean demonstrating to everyone how big the flames were, pointing at the wall where they rose to.

He looks over at me in disbelief and I remind him that maybe next time he should just take over for me and trust me when I say I have no idea what I am doing.



What a lazy day. the weather was overcast for most of the day, and it really didn't get that warm. it's definitely turning into winter, well at least as much winter as we get here in these parts.

we have a resident on this property that we just took over that has not paid rent in a year. IN A YEAR PEOPLE! she owes over $10,000 in back rent, AND has the gaul to tell us that she is thinking about staying. uh. no you're not. you're moving.

not once has this woman even attempted to pay rent, just lie and cover it up. so amazing. it's one thing if you make an attempt to pay your rent and can prove that you are working to try to resolve the problem, but it's another to continually tell someone that the check is in the mail. she can't possibly think that we believe that now can she? i guess it's worked in the past with the old property management company...but really! i hate liars.

on another note, let's give it up for my new favorite marketing website for apartments....vflyers.com. You can make a flyer for just about anything and it will post it on several different websites for you or you can take the html code and use it on the sites of your choice! whee! i know everyone is as thrilled as i am.


On top of 'ol smokey....

and covered with aaaaash....

I finally had time to clean, i mean really clean my condo this weekend. i even had kendra here cleaning while gary was in vegas. such a sense of satisfaction. i think we swept out a pile of ash from the garage large enough to fill a paint can, and add in the leaves and you got yourself a party! the house was not as bad since we had it closed up during the fires, but the garage was another story. next up, carpet cleaning.

What a bummer the charger and indy games were today... although i'm sure jeremy is happy. i did pick the pats in my football pool though, but was rooting for the colts. i'm not really a fan of tome brady...kinda seems like a chump.

the time change didn't seem to affect me all that much, nor did it seem to help with my sleepiness. i just basically woke up earlier. i did buy bently a santa suit this weekend..SO funny! kalvin pretty much just grabs the hood and pulls bently around the house with it. need to ensure that it lasts until christmas without them tearing it up.


Right before we left

Right before we left, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

one last photo before we said goodbye to mom's home,

click on photo to go to my flickr page

thick layer of ash on the sidewalk

click on the photo to go to my flickr page

finally, the bucket brigade begins

click on the photo to go to my flickr page

bee going about his buisness after fire

nature at work...

click on the photo to go to my flickr page

more on the fires....

here is the video i took off of one of my balconies during the fires....this is about an hour after we evacuated my mom. it was SO windy! sorry for the choppy video. each time the wind blew, my whole body was blown around. there were several times that i was blown off balance unloading things from to and from the cars.


can i get an...oooh yeeeaaah.....

time off...relaxation....sleep...pure and beautiful boredom. who could ask for more? sean and i are headed to the mountains this weekend for some much needed time off. **fingers crossed for no fires**

heard on the radio this morning that we are not due to have the same air quaility issues that we had last time around from the fires *whee!*

...oh yeah, it's because it all blew out over the ocean towards orange county. and is now blowing back in over orange county.


The anatomy of a fire

as a regular authority on fires around here, as this is our fourth evacuation, i decided to document the incident on camera this time as much as time allowed. so, here are some of the photos that I took over the hours, from the wind blowing at the outset, to the smoke rolling in, to minutes before my mom was officially kicked out of her home as the fires crested over the hill toward her. they are not super great since i had to take them from inside of the car due to the smoke and ash...but you get the point.

i have tried to tell sean (this is his first fire) that there is no fear like the fear of a fast approaching fire. the most scared i have ever been in my life was the very first time that we had a fire, shortly after we moved here. i was in seventh grade and home alone for part of the time. my mom arrived home and we began gathering a few things up (i had gotten the pictures gathered up but that was it). then, in the blink of an eye, as my mom is talking to my hysterical sister about the few things she can't live without, the fire turned and it was across the street. in total chaos and panic, with police yelling into our home and threatening to arrest us, i screamed to my mom that we need to leave. we heave the animals into the car, grab some dirty clothes (really random i know), forget the pictures and things we have packed, and head down the hill--bird seed, bird poop, and feathers flying all over the car from when i threw the bird cage into the car on its side--cat hissing--dog barking. we drive through the flames, passed police car after police car, fire truck after fire truck, throwing water onto the flames so that we can get out safely. scariest day of my life.

knowing what i know now, we were so lucky our car didn't stall, the firefighters were there, or worse. now a days, it seems that no matter how much we prepare, they can't seem to get a handle on them. the reverse 911 system is great-for those that have a landline anyway. kendra and i dont, so we didn't get our call (we were prepared anyway though). the news seemed to be reporting on every other area but ours and we had no idea where the fire line was at any given moment. it was total chaos. all that being said, they have learned valuable lessons from earlier fires by getting people out hours in advance so that they have time to get out without too much smoke or flames and everyone has time to get through the horrible traffic jams. many people spent hours in traffic before they got out. the evacuation centers were awesome with eveything anyone could need and more--except for the own home of course--including massages, free concerts, great food. They really did that right.

since the first fire, i have wised up and insist (as does mom) in getting packed at the first hint of a fire. for some reason she is in this weird area that acts like a wind tunnel and sucks the flames up the side of the mountain where she lives E.V.E.R.Y. time. --tired of it--

my mom has finally decided to think about moving....i know i am tired of schleping all of her stuff in and out all the time, the stress, the worry....now we wait for the real estate market to recover.

let's hope this is it for a while and we can get her moved before the next one hits. four times safe. how much more luck could there be?

--video to follow next time






New! Red hair! and cut!

New! Red hair! and cut!, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

long overdue.....soooo much better! wheee!


best buddies....

best buddies...., originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

taking a nap together


A Sunday at the zoo...

IMG_8072.jpg, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

IMG_8077.jpg, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

IMG_8126.jpg, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

IMG_8119.jpg, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.


another birthday bash....

IMG_8009.jpg, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

IMG_7988.jpg, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

IMG_7974.jpg, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

some of the kiddos..


Football Junkie...

IMG_7693.jpg, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

Glued to the tv every weekend....good thing I like to watch football too.


Summer's best...

IMG_7428_2.jpg, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

IMG_7507.jpg, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

IMG_7567.jpg, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

IMG_7696.jpg, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

Summer's over....*sigh* On to Fall and cooler weather.



Summer is supposed to be over...but the heat apparently missed the memo. It was HOT here this weekend. We spent the long weekend by the bay, where it was a mere 88 degrees. But for those of you anywhere else....it was air conditioner weather. We got back home today and I cranked on the a/c. All of my lip balm melted in my car while I was gone and is stuck in the cap. heh

We had a great time sailing and relaxing. It's amazing that it wasn't more packed...not that there wasn't a lot of people, but it seemed slower than last year.

This was Bentley's first camping trip..what a trouper! He was great! He went in the water, (with life jacket of course!) and had a great time barking at the waves. He's officially a salty dog...went for a great sail too! Has his sea legs now....He was so tired at the end of the day that he didn't make a peep! He sure is starting to really mellow out and become the best dog.

More picks on Flickr....


Another nasty inspection

look at the dirt on the floor...a little ironic with the cleaning supplies sitting there untouched in the back ground, eh?

Think these people are chain smokers??


My life as a property manager

It's 8pm and I'm still at work. Why? Oh, let's see, could it be the series of residents that have nothing better to do than to call and harrass me about why, why they ask, aren't you fixing my tub!??! I demand it to be fixed today! You guys are horrible! What?? No you do not have permission to enter!! No! You may not come in...yes I demand that you fix my tub today do you hear me??!!??

This is a more dangerous business than people realize. Do you realize how many psychotic people there are out there? People that will shoot you because they can hear a toilet lid closing upstairs?? One of my colleagues in the industry in Idaho was shot and killed last week by a resident that also took her own life because she could not deal with the sounds around her apartment. Now, let's think about this...I can hear the toilet lid closing at my mom's house.....let alone an apartment complex with a bazillion other apartments around you.

Today I dealt with someone who was demanding one thing but not allowing me to do what I needed to do to take care of it...what if that person is psychotic?? What if they want to shoot me cause they can only take a shower and not a bath? How important is that bath to them?? Oy. The drama.

I have another one for the book though.... Yesterday we served a notice to a woman who had a pit bull on the property. And, after a series of heated exchanges between them and L, I waited by the front gate for them to leave. And as I was sitting there leaning against the gate (mind you I was minding my own business and had not been involved in the conversations), they turned to me and asked me if I was going to stand there. Appears that way, I said. And, the younger of the two turned to me and said, I hope you get sunburned....in the nastest tone you could ever imagine. What? That's it? That's the best you can do? Wish a sunburn on me? Sold! I'll take that any day over, oh let's see.... "kill you" "maim you" "sue you" et all.

A sunburn...that's cute, I said.


I'm Meeellllllttttinggggg....!

Holy crap, it's hot! It is (supposed to be) the hottest day of the week...however, we all know how our weather people are around here. Hot, sticky, humid, and icky! I need a shower again.

Today has been a good day. We came to work this week after working hard on the office all weekend working on the landscaping and rearranging the office. I can sense the jealousy! It is nice to come to work with new organization and feeling like you can get something accomplished. It's the little things that matter!

We completely weeded the entire front yard of 50 years worth of weeds and roots all jam packed into one tiny area so packed full that it took gary jumping up and down on the pitchfork to release these little basketball-size, root-ball devils. I spent the entire day, apparently, hunched over with my shirt pulled away from the top of my pants exposing a sliver of my skin so that the slicver of my white back is now the color of tomatoes from baking in the sun the entire day. No one alerted me to this fact. Even my skin cancer crazy mother who is always saying "Do you have sun screen on? Cause you're going to get cancer if you're not careful!" All those that know me can attest to my white skin and the burn rate. They didn't call me "moon burn" for nothin during high school!


The dog whisperer...

It's raining dogs here. K and I just had Keely (mom's dog) over for the last week and a half while my mom was out of town, and now I have Chloe, the Gleicher's dog, for the next two weeks, minus a few days when another lady is taking her. So, at work, we have Kalvin, Keely, Bentley, Chloe, and Sasha (an employee's dog). I feel like the dog whisperer....breaking up dog fights, taking them for walks, making them mind..... I need a break!

This week is S's b-day party...and my dad's last memorial. Busy week getting ready for both! I am ready for a break and to go camping!


Summer's Here!

Kendra and I missed the rest of the June gloom..and when we got back? Holy toledo it was HOT! Thus my new summer do...


so, yeah...

We are back to work an unburrying ourselves from our rushed trip to Europe.

S just closed escrow on his condo, and we are, once again, moving someone. Thankfully, he doesn't have that much stuff and some of what he does have I have convinced him to throw away...liiike the cheezy, thin metal thing he calls a dining room table that has the fake marble painted on top of it....oh yeah, you know you want it.

And.....for you enjoyment, some recent pictures!


end of an era with the passing of a man

The last two weeks have been like a whirlwind through a fog of plane flights, sleeping in airports (yes that is plural!), chasing down luggage, and prepping for and attending a funeral. It's weird to say..funeral. I can't believe my dad is really gone. This is the first person in our lives (K and mine) that has died that we have been close to. We have been fortunate enough to have been sheltered from this type of pain for so long...but thus ends an era and into true adulthood we go. It is scary to think that we are getting to the age where our relatives will begin to pass away one by one, not that that doesn't happen to anyone at a youger age, but...here we are. We have been lucky thus far since both sets of grandparents are still alive as are all of my aunts and uncles....welcome to adulthood.

The funeral passed by quickly in a flurry of rain and thunder. The vicer committed his body and at that instant the thunder rolled and the rain died down and stopped.....it was very weird. He couldn't have scripted it better in a movie. His casket seemed so small, and while I know he was not a very big man, I had to ask my aunt whether or not he was squished in there.

I'm glad he died when he was so happy....he loved England and he was loved by many. I don't think he truly knew the impact that he made on those around him. He always wanted people to like him and in the process made a lot of friends along the way..more than I think he even realized.

The flood of stories that have come in about him, his knack for telling bad jokes, and his great spirit have been very heartwarming.

He will be missed....


It's Official!

I am now a homeowner! I just bought my first condo! It hasn't totally sunk in yet that it is mine. Mostly because it is still a little chaotic with boxes and such...and I haven't gotten my first mortgage payment yet. That should be about the time it'll hit me.

I'll post pictures as soon as the chaos is put away. It is amazing that the majority of the crap that I have is for the kitchen. Well, I do have a lot of furniture that I have been collecting...mostly from my grandmother who decides that she needs new couches every year and a half....so, I am going to have to sell or donate some of it. I currently have two six foot couches, 1 love seat, two oversized chairs, one armless chair, a HUGE coffee table, a gigantic tv that Sean talked me into buying with a big-ass entertainment center that it sits in, and other miscellaneous pieces that all need to fit into a 1164 square foot condo. Needless to say, I will be getting rid of about half of it, putting one chair up in my room, and putting a couple things in storage if needed. Then, in about another six months or so, it should be time for the next round of couches. I am excited about these cause these are nice leather ones....

I am excited to be planted somewhere. And, Kendra has moved in with me so that she can save up money to buy a condo for herself. I have been working my fingers to the bone over the last few days painting, moving, unpacking....I need a vacation! Not to mention something for my fingers....I am having major problems typing with bandaids on my knuckles.


somewhat disgusted

somewhat disgusted, originally uploaded by kmm0000000000.

We found some reindeer antlers that we bought for Kalvin last Christmas....thought we'd try them on Bentley. He was a good sport. Yet somewhat disgusted at the same time. Stupid Humans.


Bentley's First Photo shoot...hehe

This is the first opportunity I have had to take some good photos of Bentley. This is one of my favorites....He's such a good boy!


I love Photo Booth

The is the best thing about having a mac...

out of touch...

So, I have been out of touch for a while. Many change have been taking place around here...again. As you all know, K, G, and myself all moved within 4 weeks of each other last fall, and it nearly killed us. Well, as "luck" would have it, we are all moving again. At the same time. Within 2 weeks of each other. heh. Mom says she is retired.

G got a job in Orange County, so he put all of his stuff in storage (or the little that was not already in storage) and moved in with one of his buddies.

I bought a condo that I will be moving into next week. So, all of my stuff will be coming out of storage.

And, Kendra is moving in with me. So, she and Gary moved their combined storage to Escondido, and we will be moving all of her stuff that is left into the condo with me.

Thus, we are all moving again. It seems that S is the only stable one!

Two posts ago, I spoke of getting my life back. And, while we gave notice to the "Owner from Hell," we have still been busy making up the units that we lost to get back on track again. Have you ever heard that expression about peeling back the layers of an onion? Well, that dude turned out to have a lot of nasty layers and we hadn't even gotten to the center of it yet! Not only did he turn out to be flat broke, but he had no insurnace on his properties, was delinquent in his property taxes for over a year, was also deliquent in his city taxes, had NO money to repair ANYTHING on his properties, and to top it all off, we found out that he was sleeping with his residents in exchage for rent money. He was a lawsuit waiting to happen and we got the heck outta there! We have never been so happy in our lives! It was a great learning experience.... Now we do not rely on any owner's word...we get the proof sucka!


Goodbye hood

HELLLLO life, hello normal management, hello other properties that have been neglected, hello new properties...what a refreshing feeling. And most of all, hello my precious boyfriend again!

More to post later, but what a relief that is over. Will spill my guts later.


....fingers have now thawed....

My fingers have now thawed from the record cold spell we have had so that I can finally type again. My skin has basically all flaked off from the cold and dry weather. It was a horrific combination of a santa ana and severly cold weather. I feel like a walking raisin.

We have tried to slow our trips to the hood lately and concentrate on our other properties a little. Nonetheless, the stories still continue to flow in.

It amazes me to no end the lengths people will go to to destroy a property and/or make life more difficult for a management company. The latest thing on one property for these kids is to hop over the fence to a nearby field and walk around and COLLECT trash to throw back over our fence to trash the property. Now, there has got to be a better use of time than to HUNT for trash to throw on a property. Liiike say, maybe...home work. Oh yeah, that's right, they don't GO to school because the father spent their bus money this month on crack! That's right...now there's a good explanation. And, and..the community smoke-a-lot-of-crack-a-thons each night where people get high, have mass orgies in the bedrooms and living room, play loud music, and then pass out for 12 hours, those are great for the kids too!

Hello? CPS? Yes, I have a compaint to make.....

This is for my ATM friends...

We went to the Holiday bowl game out here. It was really fun tailgating, eating....watching all of the students in the parking lot drink out of beer funnels...then puking up everything on the pavement. This one kid had WAY to many hotdogs before he decided to drink....and didn't chew them very well.

Here are some pics of the game. One of S and I, and one of my beloved Aggie band.


I think I'm cursed...

I think I need to get rid of my car. I think it is cursed.

About 3 weeks ago, a beer truck dropped it's beer and dolly off of the truck and dented my door. **Mind, you this is my second car within six months.** Yesterday, someone in the humble side of town decided that they were pissed off at me and keyed the entire length of the car to the tune of a $2500 repainting job. So, today when I left the body shop, estimates in hand totalling $4000, I decided, maybe it's time to trade this car in. I think I'm cursed...

Props to the hood. Way to keep the stereotypes up.